Celebrate Together for a Cure Sponsorship

Dear Friend in the Fight Against CCM: 

We are organizing an unprecedented event where we will Celebrate Together for a Cure for cerebral cavernous malformation (CCM) with our community all across the United States on August 29th. We are currently working to secure 100 host sites to stream live content to guests allowing us to celebrate from the east coast to the west coast simultaneously.  Our event will include updates from researchers, patient stories, and an important update on why now is such a key moment in our search for a cure.  

You might also be wondering, why now? We’re poised at a threshold in CCM research. The drug pipeline is full of promising treatments that have worked well in academic laboratory settings. With your support, we can prioritize the medicines that should be pushed forward, perform final experiments, and attract more industry to our cause. Through you, there will be at least one effective, approved treatment by 2025 and a CURE by 2030.

Funds from our virtual event will be used to accelerate a cure by supporting Alliance to Cure Cavernous Malformation’s many research and care initiatives, the development of additional Clinical Centers of Excellence, and patient education and support. We are saving lives and driving research toward a cure! Please view our Sponsorship Opportunities to learn more. 

Alliance to Cure Cavernous Malformation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations, including gift-in-kind donations, are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our federal EIN is 02-0600697. 


Connie Lee
President/CEO Alliance to Cure Cavernous Malformation

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