Center of Excellence (COE):
Alliance to Cure Cavernous Malformation has recognized the Barrow Neurological Institute as a Center of Excellence
Medical Director: Dr. Michael Lawton
Medical Co-Director: Dr. Joseph Zabramski
Phone: 1-866-374-5495
This is a dedicated line for Alliance to Cure Cavernous Malformation patients. Barrow will waive their $100 second-opinion fee if you call them using this number.
For more information about our other Centers of Excellence, please visit our information page.
Community Connections
We have a large Facebook group that is a great place to connect with other members.
We also have some smaller, more specific groups, including a group for people affected by brainstem lesions, spinal lesions, and those who are parents of affected children or are caregivers.
Please request to join our Arizona Facebook group for peer support and more information about local resources.
Upcoming Events
If you’re interested in working with us to create a local group to fundraise or for support, reach out to Linda Fuchser at
Our calendar shares both local events and also national opportunities. You will see that we have support groups twice a week and also CCM101 once a month as well as a monthly webinar.
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