Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin found in some food sources but is mainly produced when the skin is exposed to UV sun exposure and then synthesized by the body. Vitamin D, or lack of it, is thought to play a role in cavernous malformation behavior.

What role does vitamin D play in cavernous malformation?

We know that inflammation is one of the mechanisms that drive cavernous malformation disease. Vitamin D is a natural anti-inflammatory and is beneficial to the immune system because it helps the body combat oxidative stress.

Research has shown a correlation between a more aggressive course of cavernous malformation and low vitamin D levels. There is also speculation that a cause of symptom exacerbation during the winter months is due to sub-optimal vitamin D levels.

How much vitamin D is recommended?

It is recommended to test your blood serum levels of 25(OH)D and supplement accordingly with D3 (cholecalciferol) under the guidance of your practitioner.

The best way to obtain vitamin D is by going out in the sun and absorbing it through the skin. The amount of vitamin D that is absorbed depends on your location, time of year, and time of day, but during warmer months benefits can be achieved in just ten minutes of midday exposure daily.

To learn more about vitamin D and cavernous malformation we invite you to visit our YouTube channel.


Flemming K, D, Kumar S, Brown Jr R, D, Singh R, J, Whitehead K, McCreath L, Lanzino G: Cavernous Malformation Hemorrhagic Presentation at Diagnosis Associated with Low 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D Level. Cerebrovasc Dis 2020;49:216-222.

Awad IA, Polster SP. cavernous malformations: deconstructing a neurosurgical disease. J Neurosurg. July 2019;131(1):1–13.

Lyne SB, Girard R, Koskimäki J, et al. Biomarkers of cavernous malformation with symptomatic hemorrhage. JCI Insight. 2019;4(12):e128577. Published 2019 Jun 20.


Updated 4.16.22