Government Disability Information for Adults
Social Security Administration Disability Benefits Guide
If you want to know more about the various kinds of disability benefits available from Social Security, this booklet will tell you who may get benefits, how to apply and what you need to know once benefits start.
State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies
State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies furnish a wide variety of services to help people with disabilities return to work. These services are designed to provide the client with the training or other services that are needed to return to work, to enter a new line of work or to enter the workforce for the first time.
U.S. Labor Department Job Accommodation Network
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is a free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the employability of people with disabilities.
Department Of Labor Disability Resources
This is the White House’s comprehensive guide to federal disability-related government resources. Topics include employment, education, housing, transportation, community life, health, income support, technology, and civil rights. For example, the community life section covers such topics as homeland security and the disabled, national park accessibility standards, and provides a link to the government TTY directory.
National Council on Disability
National Council on Disability provides resources for everything from disabilities legislation to service agencies.
ADA National Network
Information, guidance, and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Resources for Families and Children

Social Security Benefits for Children
Is your child eligible for Social Security disability benefits? This booklet provides information for parents and caregivers of children with disabilities and of adults who were disabled as children.
- Disability Discrimination/Equal Opportunity
- National Information Clearinghouse on Children Who are Deaf-Blind
- Office of Special Education Program Sponsored Web Sites
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Resources Services
The U.S. Dept. of Education, The Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) is committed to improving results and outcomes for people with disabilities of all ages. OSERS provides a wide array of supports to parents and individuals, school districts and states. It offers explanations of the No Child Left Behind agenda and New Freedom Initiatives as they relate to special needs children.
College Information for Students with Disabilities
Going to College
This interactive website is an excellent resource for preparing students, parents, and educators with college planning for special needs individuals.
Home and Travel
Department of Transportation: Traveling with a Disability
Information on airline accommodations that are available by law.
Disability Accommodation Cost Guide
Changing, remodeling or making additions to your home to accommodate people with disabilities can be done in a variety of different ways. Use this cost guide to help renovate your home affordably.
Home Safety for People with Disabilities
This booklet Preparing for Disaster for People with Disabilities and other Special Needs gives tips on getting informed, making a plan, assembling a kit, and keeping your plans up to date.
Activity and Exercise
Increasing Physical Activity among Adults with Disabilities

Chronic Pain Relief with Swimming Exercises
This article looks at exercise, and more specifically swimming, can make a positive difference for chronic pain sufferers.
Stay Active with a Disability: Quick Tips
Regular physical activity is good for everyone’s health, including people with disabilities. Getting active can help you: strengthen your heart, build strong muscles and bones, improve coordination and relieve stress, improve your mood, and feel better about yourself.
Personal Finance Guide for People with Disabilities
Disabled people have higher expenses in almost every aspect of life—from food to medical care to utilities—and have additional costs due to their disabilities. This resource guide is for people with disabilities to help them manage their finances and meet their financial goals.
Assistive Technology Organizations and Vendors
Abilities Expo – The Event for People with Disabilities
Abilities Expo is about bringing the necessary products and services together under one roof for the community of people with disabilities, their families, caregivers, seniors, and healthcare professionals.