New Jersey

Community Alliance

Welcome to the Tri-State Angioma Community Alliance. We are a group of Alliance to Cure Cavernous Malformation members and friends who provide mutual support, reach out to the medical community, and organize events. Geographically, our group includes the greater New York City area, North and Central New Jersey, and Connecticut.

Kristen Dahlem – Chair

Jessie Siegrist – Vice-Chair

Julie DeMichiel – Treasurer

Mary Garcia Sprague – Events Committee Chair

Lauren Kreager – Outreach and Engagement Committee Chair

To contact us, please email

You can also become a member of our Facebook group to join our group discussion.

Attention South Jersey!

We are very close to forming a South Jersey/Philadelphia area/Delaware Community Alliance. Please let Darla Clayton know if you’d like to join at


upcoming events

Please see our Calendar for events online and around the country.

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