We have a few rooms available on a first-come, first, served basis!
Thanks to the support of a generous donor, the Alliance to Cure will host its first Family Weekend. Unlike our patient conferences, which focus on education, our Family Weekend will focus on fun, laughter, and community.
When: June 28-July 1, 2024 (3 nights, 4 days), from noon on Friday until noon on Monday – but late arrivals and early departures are ok too.
Where: Silver Bay YMCA Conference and Retreat Center on Lake George in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York. Silver Bay YMCA camp offers hotel-like lodging with individual family rooms and a 700-acre waterfront campus. All meals and activities are provided.
Activities: We have a host of fun activities planned, including traditional camp activities and more laid-back options. No activity is required, and alternatives will be offered, so if a nature hike isn’t your thing, there will be something else to do instead. You can look forward to boating, swimming, nature walks, rock wall climbing, crafts, music, games, campfires, archery, pickleball, and more. We’ll have planned group activities and time for you to relax. Our goal is to provide opportunities for connection with other people who understand life with cavernous malformation.
Who: This weekend is for everyone! While we want our children to meet and make special memories together, we encourage anyone interested in joining our community to attend. Most activities will have an adaptive option, and all activities are optional to accommodate the need for rest.
Cost: The cost to attend is being heavily subsidized to encourage as many families as possible to attend. The cost per adult is $175 for the entire 3-day event including lodging, meals and activities, children aged 5 to 18 will be $125, children aged 2-5 will be $75, and children under 2 are free. Please reach out to us if your family requires financial assistance to attend. The cost covers food, activities and lodging while at camp.
Photo Description: picture of an inn surrounded by lush green trees and a sparkling lake.